
Miranda Anaya, Manuel

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Manuel Miranda Anaya

Acreditado por: Instituto de Neurobiología

Nombramiento: Profesor Titular C – TC
Nivel de SNI: Investigador Nacional II


Correo electrónico: miranmanuel@ciencias.unam.mx
Visitar Página web personal
Adscripción: UMDI- FC
Laboratorio: Cronobiología


Líneas de Investigación Específicas

  1. Regulación de ritmos circadianos, implicaciones ecofisiológicas y en salud.


Publicaciones Selectas

  1. Herrera-García A, Pérez-Mendoza M, Arellanes-Licea EDC, Gasca-Martínez D, Carmona-Castro A, Díaz-Muñoz M* Miranda-Anaya M*. 2022. Obesity in male volcano mice Neotomodon alstoni affects the daily rhythm of metabolism and thermoregulation. Front. Nutr. 9:963804.doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.963804.
  2. 51. García-Gaytán AC, Miranda-Anaya M, Turrubiate I, López-De Portugal L, Bocanegra-Botello GN, A López-Islas, Díaz-Muñoz M, Méndez I. 2020. Synchronization of the circadianv clock by time restricted feeding with progressive increasing calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a sustained hypocaloric restriction. Scientific reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66538-0.
  3. Arellanes-Licea EC, Pérez-Mendoza M, Carmona-Castro A, Díaz-Muñoz M, Miranda-Anaya M. 2021. Obese Neotomodon alstoni mice exhibit sexual dimorphism in the daily profile of circulating melatonin and clock proteins PER1 and BMAL1 in the hypothalamus and peripheral oscillators. Chronobiology International. 38(4) 584-597. doi.org/10.1080/07420528.2020.1860999.
  4. González-Luna, IA, Juárez-Tapia CR, Aguilar-Vázquez A, Arnold E, Díaz-Cintra, S, Miranda-Anaya M. and Díaz-Muñoz, M., 2021. Changes in 24 h Rhythmicity of Spontaneous Locomotor Activity in the Triple Transgenic Mouse for Alzheimer’s Disease (3xTg-AD) in a Jet Lag Protocol: Correlations with Retinal Sensitivity. Journal of Circadian Rhythms, 19(1), p.7. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/jcr.214.
  5. Miranda-Anaya M, Bosques-Tistler T, Ayala-García IN, Herrera-Argomaniz IJ, Pérez-Mendoza M, Carmona-Castro A. 2019. Affectations in Photic and Thermic Circadian Entrainment of the Locomotor Activity Rhythm in Obese Volcano Mouse Neotomodon alstoni. Biological Rhythm Research. 52(6) 853-861. doi.org/10.1080/09291016.2019.1607221.